Baron Daemon
Mike Price
Joseph Capuana
Joe Capuana
Joseph S. Capuana
Double click here to add text.A. Ghastlee Ghoul
The Advisor (aka The Adviser)
Alec Gibson *
Al Gory (fictional host)
Anok (see Ravena, the Goddess of Stonehenge and Anok)
Arach and Nid
Ashley Ghastly
The Bargain City Kid and Willie Thall
Baron Daemon *
Baron Mondo Von Doren and El Sapo de Tempesto
Baron Von Wolfstein
Barry and Pat
Bestoink Dooley
Big Chuck * (Hoolihan and Big Chuck; Big Chuck and Li'l John)
Billy Black
Billy Van (Pyre) *
The Black Cat
Blood E. Murder
Bob Beringer
Bob Burns
Bob Wilkins *
The Bone Jangler
The Bowman Body * (aka The Body)
Bradford Skobie
Butch Patrick and Ivonna Cadaver
Butch R. Cleaver
Captain Space
Carpathian and the Patient Creatures
Cedric (see The Spooky Spectre and Cedric)
Chester the Werewolf (see Scruffy McGhoul and Chester the Werewolf)
Chilly Billy *
Christopher Coffin
Chuck Acri and Vincent Hedges
Chuck Zink *
Commandant Gore
Commander USA and Lefty *
Conrad (fictional host)
Cool Eddie
The Cool Ghoul (I) *
The Cool Ghoul (II)
The Count (I) *
The Count (II), aka Count Boroff?
Count Alu Card
Count Basil
Count Cool Rider
Count Dracula, aka TV's Count Dracula
Countess Lutzika
Count Floyd * (fictional host)
Count Frightenstein (kid show host)
Count Gore De Vol *
Count Gregore
Count Justin Sane
Count Macabre
Count Murray
Count Natas
Count Norlock
The Count of Five
Count Scary *
Count Shockula *
Count Smokula
Count Von Thirstenburg
Count Warlock
Count Zappula, aka Dr. Maniac *
The Creature
The Creep *
The Creeper
Crematia Mortem *
Dale Dorman
Davey Horror
David Allen *
David the Colossus
Dead Earnest
Deadly Earnest
The Debaser and Cherry Payne
Doktor Goulfinger
Doktor Tom B. Stone
Don Kennedy
Doug Graves (see Son of Svengoolie and Doug Graves *)
Dr. Acula
Dr. Atomic
Dr. Bela Zarbo
Dr. Brain
Dr. Cadaver and Igor
Dr. Cadaverino *
Dr. Creep
Dr. Destruction
Dr. Dreck
Dr. E. Nick Witty and Epal *
Dr. Evil
Dr. Fear
Dr. Freak
Dr. Fright
Dr. Gangrene
Dr. Gruesome
Dr. Lucifer and Mrs. Lucifer *
Dr. Lucifur *
Dr. Madblood * (aka Dr. Max Madblood)
Dr. Maniac * (aka Count Zappula)
Dr. Mazeppa Pompazoidi
Dr. Meridian *
Dr. Mongo (aka Dr. Montague B. Gourley)
Dr. Morbius
Dr. Mor B.S.
Dr. Morgus * (aka Dr. Momus Alexander Morgus, Morgus the Magnificent)
Dr. Paul Bearer *
Dr. Rabies
Dr. San Guinary
Dr. Sarcofiguy
Dr. Scar
Dr. Shock (I) *
Dr. Shock (II)
Dr. Shock (III)
Dr. Shock (IV)
Dr. Shocker and Igor and Tracy the Gorilla (fictional hosts)
Dr. Shroud
Dr. Sludge
Dr. Speculo (aka Dr. Ignatius Speculo)
Dr. Terror
Dr. Volapuk
Dr. Von Shtick (see Shrimpenstein and Dr. Von Shtick) (kid show host)
Dr. Wolfenstein (fictional host)
Dr. X
Dr. Ygor
Dr. Zekow
Dr. ZinGRR *
Dr. Zombie
Drac (see Frank and Drac *)
Duncan Lamond
El Sapo (see Baron Mondo Von Doren and El Sapo de Tempesto)
Elvira, Mistress of the Dark *
Epal (see Dr. E. Nick Witty and Epal *)
Famous Morris *
Fat Drac
The Fearmonger
Ferdy (I)
"Ferdy" (II)
Floyd Cadaverious
Fireman Frank
Frank (I) and Drac *
Frank (II) (see Zomboo and Frank)
Frankie (see Warren Reed and Frankie *)
Fritz the Nite Owl
George Byram *
George Eisenhauer
Ghost Host
The Ghostly Host
The Ghoul *
Ghoulardi *
Ghoulita *
Gilbert Gottfried
The Glob
Gorgon the Gruesome *
Grampa *
Grandpa Fred * (fictional host)
The Grave Digger
The Gravemaster
Graves and Graves Daddy
The Great Zucchini
Gregore *
Gregory the Graveyard Walker
Gregory Grave *
The Grim Reaper
Grimsley *
Halloween Jack
Hilo Headley
Hoolihan * (Hoolihan and Big Chuck)
The Host (I) and Rodney *
The Host (II), aka Joe Alston
Howard Meagle (see Mr. Slime)
Humphrey the Hunchback
Igor (I)
Igor (II) (fictional host)
Ivonna Cadaver (see Butch Patrick and Ivonna Cadaver)
I. Zombi
Jami Deadly
Jeepers *
Jeepers Keeper *
Jim Cooke
Jimmy Hollister (see Victor Ives and Jimmy Hollister)
Jim Ross
Joe Alston (see The Host (II), aka Joe Alston)
Joe Bob Briggs
Joe Fright
John Barclay *
John Carradine
Johnny Nightmare
John Stanley *
Junkyard John
The Keeper *
Klara Kackel
Laraine Newman
Lazarus Loveitt
Laslo, the Keeper of the Dead
Li'l John * (Big Chuck and Li'l John)
Lon Madnight
Lou Schlock
Macabra *
Madam Cadaver
Madame Mortem
Mad Daddy (I) *
Mad Daddy (II)
Madd Frank
The Mad Man
The Man from GHOST
Marilyn the Witch *
Marvin *
Midnight (fictional host)
Mike Ward
Millicent B. Ghastly
Milton *
Miss Shock
The Mistress Margali
Misty Brew (I)
Misty Brew (II)
Misty Brew (III)
Mitch and Munch
Moona Lisa *
The Mortician
Mousey Boy (see Professor I.C. Bloodenguts and Mousey Boy)
Mr. Darc
Mr. Lobo
Mr. Mephisto
Mr. Schlock
Mr. Shreek, aka Gortem Shreek
Mr. Slime
Mrs. Lucifer (see Dr. Lucifer and Mrs. Lucifer *)
M.T. Graves (I) *
M.T. Graves (II)
M.T. Space, aka Captain M. T. Space
Ned the Dead
Nefu Ned (see Uncle Ted and Nefu Ned *)
Nid (see Arach and Nid)
The Nightshadow
Ottola Nesmith *
The Outsider *
Pat (see Barry and Pat)
Peaches Christ
Penny Dreadful (I)
Penny Dreadful (II), aka Penny Dreadful XIII
Peter Gorey
Peter Hardt
Peter Vincent * (fictional host)
Professor Cerberus *
Professor Emcee Square
Professor Fantastic
Professor Gideon
Professor Griffin
Professor I.C. Bloodenguts and Mousey Boy
Professor Jasper Farndark
Professor Kinema
Quzi Boudreaux (see Dr. Brain)
Randy and Richard * (Texas 27 Film Vault)
Ravena, the Goddess of Stonehenge and Anok
Remo D.
Rex Lane
Rhonda Shear
Richard (see Randy and Richard *) (Texas 27 Film Vault) *
Robbin Graves
Rodney (The Host (I) and Rodney *)
Roland *
Ronald *
Sal U. Lloyd
Sammy Terry *
Sandra Bernhard
Santo, aka El Santo
The Scarlet Knave
Scott Williamson
Scruffy McGhoul and Chester the Werewolf
Selwin *
Seymour * (aka Sinister Seymour)
Shock Armstrong, the All-American Ghoul
Shrimpenstein and Dr. Von Shtick (kid show hosts)
The Shroud
Sinister Minister
Sir Cecil Creape, aka The Phantom of the Opry *
Sir Graves Ghastly *
Sir Robert Ghoul-ley
Sir Roger
Son of Ghoul *
Son of San Guinary
Son of Selwyn
Son of Svengoolie * and Doug Graves, aka Svengoolie (II)
The Spooky Spectre and Cedric
Stella * (aka The Daughter of Desire, That Maneater from Manyunk)
Sterling Brewer
Super Host
Svengoolie (I) *
Svengoolie (II), aka Son of Svengoolie *
Tarantula Ghoul *
Terrence *
Tolouse Noneck, aka Tooloose NoNeck *
Uncle Davver
Uncle Death
Uncle Ghoulie, Carbuncle, 13 and Gordon the Gorilla
Uncle Ted and Nefu Ned *
The Undertaker
Vampira (I) *
Vampira (II) (see Roderick and Vampira (II))
Victor Ives and Jimmy Hollister
Vincent Hedges (see Chuck Acri and Vincent Hedges)
Vincent Price (kid show host)
Vlad, Creighton and The Invisible Man (aka Ghoul A Go-Go)
Warren Reed and Frankie *
What's His Name, aka What's His Face
Whitey Gleason (aka Creepmeister Maximus)
William Shatner
Willie Thall (The Bargain City Kid and Willie Thall)
Zacherley (aka The Cool Ghoul) *
Zombo * (fictional host)
Zomboo and Frank